Machine learning software
Focus on implementing ML, not on coding it.
User friendly design
✔ Intuitive GUI - no coding skills required
✔ Message board for errors/ status report
✔ Comprehensive help file
Input data set
✔ .txt format✔ Columns: Features (unlimited), one target
✔ Rows: Records (unlimited)
Computational features
✔ Classification or regression mode (single output)✔ Multi-layer perceptron with any number of layers and neurons per layer
✔ Backpropagation
✔ Momentum (selective)
✔ Fixed or adaptable Learning rate
✔ Variety of Biases/ Weights initialization techniques
✔ Variety of normalization techniques
✔ Variety of transfer functions
✔ Variety of training termination criteria
✔ Stohastic or Batch weight update
✔ Stratified Training-Validation-Test split
✔ Validation by Holdout or Cross-validation variants
✔ Auto deletion or imputation of missing values
✔ Pre-determined or experimental thresholding
✔ End to end approach: Modules for hyper-parameter tuning, model comparison, Model creation and Model application
✔ Principal component analysis (selective)
✔ Standard Over/ undersampling techniques (selective)
✔ Cost-sensitive learning (selective)
✔ Auto repetitions of training and stats extraction
✔ Euclidean splitting optimization (selective)
✔ Result meta-analysis with variety of metrics and plots
✔ Full save of parameterization and results to .txt
Indicative portfolio
Binary classification >> YES/ NO answers
Sell or keep?
Positive or negative to a medical condition?
Is there a defect in the product?
Will team A or B win?
Univariate regression >> Numerical answers
What will the stock value be?
What is the surgery survival rate?
What is the optimal temperature for my process?
What will the final score be?
One way to find out
if it fits your needs
Installation instructions: Download .zip file, extract in preferred location and execute setup.exe